Passing knowledge on

The overriding desire to help as many people as possible find a solution to a seemingly hopeless situation is what inspires Prof. Possover to want to pass on his knowledge, acquired several decades, in the discipline of neuropelveology, Motivating colleagues to engage in further training in neuropelveology results from the desire to give patients worldwide access to the latest treatment methods he has developed over many years.
Intro Course ISON Level 1
Intro Course ISON Level 1

Get a first impression of the eLearning course Neuropelveology ISON Level 1 by Prof. Possover and watch the first videos for free.

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eLearning ISON Level 1
eLearning ISON Level 1

Convenient learning: With the online application for eLearning, we are setting new standards in knowledge transfer. As a medical specialist, you have access to theory and practical experience in the field of neuropelveology.

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Workshop ISON Level 2
Workshop ISON Level 2

Have you already passed the ISON Level 1 certification? Then register for the advanced workshop ISON Level 2. Please send us a short e-mail for this purpose. We will inform you when and where the next workshop will take place.

Registration ISON Level 2
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Personal and interactive: The on-site encounter enables direct interaction - and thus a particularly valuable form of exchange. Meet Prof. Possover at a live event or congress. Here you will find the dates of the next events.

Coming soon

Discovering the pelvic nerves

No other part of the body, except the brain and spinal cord, contains as many crucial nerves as the pelvic region. The pelvic nerves play an important role in controlling sexual functions, the accumulation and excretion of urine and stool, 
movement and sensation in the legs. Injuries to these nerves can lead to disorders in all of the above areas. The number of patients suffering from pelvic nerve dysfunction is still greatly underestimated.

Possover News
latest updates

New scientific findings and effective treatment methods - comprehensible and helpful for you.

Laparoscopic management of pelvic nerves tumors


Peripheral nerve tumors can occur anywhere in the body. Most of them aren't cancerous ...

Neuropelveological approach to pathologies of the pelvic nerves

Pathologies of the pelvic nerves are conditions involving multiple, organ-specific medical specialties, each with its ...

Neuropelveologic management of intractable Vulvodynia

What is vulvodynia?

Vulvodynia is a chronic pain syndrome affecting respectively the vulva and occurs ...