Discovering the pelvic nerves

Discovering the pelvic nerves

No other part of the body, except the brain and spinal cord, contains as many crucial nerves as the pelvic region. The pelvic nerves play an important role in controlling sexual functions, the accumulation and excretion of urine and stool, 
movement and sensation in the legs. Injuries to these nerves can lead to disorders in all of the above areas. The number of patients suffering from pelvic nerve dysfunction is still greatly underestimated.

The relatively new discipline of Neuropelveology, founded by Prof. Possover, is concerned with the diagnosis of injuries and dysfunctions of the pelvic nerves and with the treatment of the symptoms and diseases caused by them. These include:


  • Hyperactive bladder, urinary and fecal incontinence, urinary retention
  • Neuropathic pelvic pain
  • (genital, groin, pudendal, back, sciatic pain etc.)
  • Pelvic bone and nerve tumors
  • (teratomas, swannomas, osteocheondrosarcomas etc.)
  • Loss of spinal cord functions after spinal cord injuries    
  • Sexual disorders in women and men
Education Neuropelveology

The main treatment methods

Neuropelveology treatments mainly involve two procedures that Prof. Possover has researched and introduced into medical practice: Laparoscopy of the pelvic nerves and the LION procedure.




Laparoscopy, which has been specially developed for use on the pelvic nerves, enables nerve-sparing surgery on the pelvic nerves. Using special, high-resolution video cameras, which allow a special magnification, all pelvic nerves can now be reached laparoscopically. The aim of the nerve-saving surgical techniques is to preserve the function of the bladder, intestines and sexual organs.


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Nerve dysfunctions in the pelvic region can be effectively treated with the method of neuromodulation - the safe application of electricity to the nerves. The LION procedure (Laparoscopic Implantation Of Neuroprothesis) is used for this purpose. It is the world's first technique to allow the selective placement of electrodes on certain pelvic nerves in order to stimulate them electrically.


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Typical disorders at a glance

We specialise in conditions that have their cause in the pelvic area or are related to the pelvic nerves.

Pain during periods

In the legs, lower back, lumbago, sciatica

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Frequent need to urinate

uncontrolled urination, incontinence

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Burning pain

In the pelvic area, buttocks, lower back, genitals, legs

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Erectile dysfunction

Decrease in sexual activity

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Prof. Marc Possover MD

It is his passion to help people in difficult situations to improve their quality of life. Continuous research, decades of clinical experience and the focused determination to find a solution for previously unsolved medical problems, have enabled Prof. Possover to help often quite discouraged patients find release from their seemingly insurmountable problems.

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Scientific Research and News from the World of Neuropelveology

PubMed is an English-language database with numerous medical articles on all aspects of neuropelveology.


Continuing education for physicians in neuropelveology

Have we been able to inspire you to further your education in the discipline of neuropelveology? Then we invite you to acquire that special knowledge. Become a pioneer of new, innovative treatment methods and gain the ability to help people in desperate situations.

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We will dedicate our expertise and know-how to help you find the  solution that is right for you.

Audrey Schroller

Practice Assistant

„As a cheerful, open and communicative person, I really appreciate coming into contact with people from all over the world. The well-being of others is very important to me.

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Laparoscopic management of pelvic nerves tumors


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