
Prof. Dr. Marc Possover

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  • Member of the French National Academy of Surgery

    Prof. Prof (DK) Prof h.c. (China) Dr. Marc Possover, M.D., a specialist in neuropelveology, gynecologic surgery/oncology and advanced endometriosis surgery, has worked in Zurich for 14 years and was appointed a member of the French National Academy of Surgery on December 7 in Paris. He is the first gynecologist in Switzerland to become a member of this prestigious academy. On the picture Prof. Albert-Claude Benhamou (Président de l'Académie Nationale de Chirurgie) on his left and Mr. Stephan Schmid (Ambassadeur Suisse en France) on his right.

  • National Academy of Surgery and Innovative Operating Practices

    Prof. Possover was again invited to the highly respected The French National Academy of Surgery to speak about the Possover-LION procedure.

  • XV SPCMIN Congress - Portugal

    Prof. Possover held with great pleasure and honor the Keynote Lectrue at the Congress of Endoscopic Surgery at the Hilton Porto Gaia. Thanks to the President and friend, Helder Ferreira for his kind invitation.


    Prof. Possover received the Ivo Brosens Award for the Best Scientific Journal Article from the ESGE Congress in Lisbon 2022. The title of the article is: Laparoscopic morphological aspects and tentative explanation of the aetiopathogenesis of isolated endometriosis of the sciatic nerve: a review based on 267 patients. The effects that endometriosis of the sciatic nerve can have on patients are enormous. For many years he has been exploring the pelvic nerves and therefore also this particular diagnosis.

  • The Latin American Forum 2022 Masters

    In September 2022, the Latin American Forum Masters 2022 took place in Hamburg and Prof. Possover was there to talk about Neuropelveology and the latest discoveries of the pelvic nerves.

  • Université de la Sorbonne - France

    The Sorbonne University invited Prof. Possover in July 2022 to speak about the Possover-LION procedure as part of the conference on biological and technological advances in the field of spinal cord repair.

  • Académie Nationale de Chirurgie - France

    Originally from St-Avold (France), Prof. Possover started his medical career in Nancy as a cardiovascular surgeon. He then worked in Germany for many years and then in Switzerland as a gynecologist, where he currently practices. All those who have left their country of origin know this unbreakable link with their homeland, despite the years and the distance. As a medical student, he never imagined that he would receive an invitation from the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie. Yet, on June 22, 2022, that dream came true. The Académie Nationale de Chirurgie recognized the importance of Neuropelveology and held a session on this revolutionary specialty. Alongside Mrs. Krystal Nyangoh Timoh and Mr. Emmanuel Chartier-Kastler, Prof. Possover was honored to share his knowledge and experience in this memorable and historic building. The website of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie makes these lectures available to the public.

  • ENDO Dubai 2022

    The ENDO Dubai 2022 "Between Tradition and Progress, Transferring Experience, Creating Future Minds" took place in Febrary 2022. With more than 80 different sessions covering all aspects of MIS in Gynecology, ENDO Dubai is the largest event on MIS in the region. Prof. Possover was invited to this congress to speak about Neuropelveology and share his knowledge with professionals from all over the world.

  • Possover LION Methode bei Stern TV

    Walking in spite of paraplegia: New hope for those affected. On Feb. 23, 2022, SternTV reported on the Possover LION Procedure. You can watch the broadcast on YouTube.


    The Endometriosis Foundation of America is dedicated to improving education and increasing awareness about endometriosis. Since November 2021, Prof. Possover has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of this non-profit organization.

  • ESGE 30th Annual Congress

    It was a great pleasure for Prof. Possover to participate in the ESGE in Rome last weekend. As Founder and honorary President of the ISON, he had the honor to award Dr. Shaheen Khazali the ISON Level 3 Master of Neuropelveology certificate at the ESGE. Our warmest congratulations on this milestone dear Shaheen! Neuropelveology is gaining more and more attention and importance worldwide and is rightly called a new groundbreaking discipline in Medicine. This is exactly the development that we must continue to pursue for science and most importantly for patients.

  • AGES XXX Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

    The congress of the AGES in March - Australian Gynaecology Endoscopy & Surgery - was a huge success. Prof. Possover was invited to give lectures and perform a live surgery. The theme "Foundation and Future" was a perfect platform to discuss the development of neuropelveology. Thanks to the AGES.

  • Congress in Italy, Bologna

    The Congress on "Functional and Fertility Sparing Procedure in Gynaecology" was held in Bologna from 20 to 21 February. The "Fondazione Internationale Menarini" organized an event with an exceptionally high scientific content. Prof. Possover gave a lecture on laparoscopic stimulation of the pelvic nerves for the treatment of functional disorders of the bladder, the intestine and sexuality.

  • AAGL congress in Vancouver

    The AAGL Congress 2019 took place in Vancouver from 9-13 November. Prof. Possover was there as a lecturer and was able to speak about his passion, neuropelveology. The meeting of experts in the field of gynaecology from all over the world included live surgeries and various workshops. A great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences!

  • The Possover International Medical Center is certified by ICA-Deutschland e.V. as a "Center for Pelvic Pain and Interstitial Cystitis"

    "The need to go to the toilet frequently is a relatively common symptom, which usually increases with age. Bacterial inflammations are often the cause, but also the so-called irritable bladder, which can arise from various causes, can cause this symptom. By definition, the irritable bladder forces the patient to go to the toilet at least 8-10 times a day. The affected patients are under enormous psychological pressure, which can also have an effect on their relatives. Pain and the need to urinate with up to 60 toilet visits day and night often lead patients to social isolation and disability. Interstitial cystitis is a possible cause, but is considered a rare disease. The counterpart of the irritable bladder in visceral surgeons is the "irritable bowel syndrome", explains Prof. Dr. med. Marc Possover.It has long been suspected that all these symptoms are caused by a disturbance in the control of the pelvic organs, i.e. diseases or functional disorders of the pelvic nerves or the entire nervous system. The fact that these dysfunctions are painful is indeed proof that the nerves are involved in some way - otherwise the disease would not be painful. It is therefore not surprising that pelvic pain and pelvic organ dysfunction must always be considered together. Pelvic nerve pain is usually a problem, both for diagnosing the causes and for determining the resulting treatment. Visceral surgeons, urologists and gynaecologists deal with painful diseases of the pelvis, but not with diseases of the pelvic nerves. Neurologists and neurosurgeons, on the other hand, are specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic nerves, but do not really deal with them, explains Prof. Possover. The Possover International Medical Center - Zurich is the world's first specialized center for neuropelveology - the medicine of the pelvic nerves. Prof. Possover and his team deal with gynaecological, neurological and urological aspects of the problem. Endometriosis, compression due to dilated pelvic varicose veins or tumours of the pelvic nerves, but also surgical/traumatic injuries of these nerves together form the most frequent causes of pelvic nerve diseases. The aim of the treatment is then to get both the pain and the bladder dysfunction under control. Neuropelveology also has the possibility of electrical stimulation of the pelvic nerves, particularly in the case of therapy refractory bladder emptying disorders; the electrodes are implanted either by abdominal play (so-called LION procedure for bladder retention) or vaginally (so-called GNS for treatment of the irritable bladder). Since the diagnosis of IC (interstitial cystitis) is usually based on a cystoscopy followed by a biopsy, the clarification of this disease requires the presentation of the patient to a urologist or neuro-urologist experienced in this field. External urologists in a cooperative partnership provide both differentiated urological diagnostics and all possible urological forms of therapy. The "Possover International Medical Center AG" in Zurich has to date been the world's first center for surgical gynecology and neuropelveology to be certified by ICA-Deutschland e.V. as a "Center for Pelvic Pain and Interstitial Cystitis".

  • Thessaloniki - the ISON members at the ESGE congress

    Oct 2019 - The ISON family reunited: During the pre-congress of the ESGE - European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy in Thessaloniki, Greece, the members of the ISON-International Society of Neuropelveology board presented the most recent works on neuropelveology. Neuropelveology is not only the art of dissecting pelvic nerves by laparoscopy, but is much more than that. Neuropelveology covers all the medical aspects of pelvic nerve pathologies and neuropelveological diagnosis is the first and undoubtedly the most difficult step. ISON-certified neuropelveologists obviously operate on the pelvic nerves not just for explosion but for treating a pathologic condition and further follow patients during postoperative treatment.

  • Fifth Annual Open Endoscopy Forum at the MIT Boston

    Prof. Possover was part of the "Fifth Annual Open Endoscopy Forum" at Massachusetts Institut of Technology (MIT) in Boston: "It was a great pleasure to accept the invitation of Keith Isaacson and to see such eminent colleagues surgeons and researchers of very high calibre. So I thank Linda Griffith and her LAB-team for allowing us to visit her laboratory and to open us the doors of their researches. Breathtaking, catching and exhilarating all this enthusiasm, this dynamism. Moments of happiness, great honor but also somewhere a confirmation for own research work, and this even more as a surgeon, a clinician. A very big thank to the entire OEF-Committee."

  • Honory Professorship China

    On the occasion of the "Annual Medical Conference in Advancing Surgery" under the patronage of the Chinese Medical Association and National Health Organization as well as the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) from 6.9.-9.9.2019 in Xi'an, China, Prof. Possover was awarded an "Honorary Professorship" by Xi'an Jiaotong University for his outstanding and long-standing clinical and scientific work in the treatment of cervical cancer, as well as for his pioneering work in the field of Neuropelveology - the medicine of the pelvic nerves.In addition to three lectures, Prof. Possover held a so-called radical vaginal hysterectomy according to Schauta with direct transmission to the conference room coram publico. This procedure enables the treatment of cervical cancer in the vagina. After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibited the laparoscopic treatment of cervical cancer a few months ago, Schauta surgery remains the only "minimally invasive" surgery of cervical cancer that is still permitted. But, this operation is only performed by a handful of surgeons worldwide; one of them is Prof. Possover. As part of a cooperation between the Medical University of Xi'an and the Possover International Medical Center in Zurich, a school for the teaching of Neuropelveology and the Schauta operation in China are to be introduced by Prof. Possover. Further cooperation with universities in Beijing and Shanghai is already being planned.

  • Video: Endometriosis of the pelvic nerves

    There are still people, who think endometriosis of the pelvic nerves does not exist. This video shows surgeries and a particularly impressive case of deep infiltrating endometriosis.

  • Dermato- Oncology congress in Munich

    June 21 Prof. Possover gave a speech about Neuropelveology: the status today and what it means for the future.

  • 15 Years of Evolution from Laparoscopic Oncology to Neuropelveology

    The Endometriosis Foundation of America recorded Prof. Possovers Speech about his way to Neuropelveology.

  • 15th AAGL International Meeting on Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery

    "The 15th AAGL International Congress on Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery in affiliation with SEGi to be held in Florence, Italy from May 8 to May 11, 2019.SEGi, the Italian Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy, will hold a special edition of its 2019 Annual Meeting in partnership with the AAGL. The "Surgical Renaissance in Minimally Invasive Gynecology Worldwide Congress”— or "WOW”—will be an unprecedented event in its field." - Prof. Possover will take part and talk about neuropelveology and the LION procedure.

  • Congress of Urogynecology in Berlin - Deutscher Urogynäkologiekongress

    March 22-23: The 11th Congress of Urogynecology in Berlin invites Prof. Possover to give a speech about neuropelveology.

  • Congress in Antalya

    The Middle East Society for Gynecological Endoscopy (MESGE) and the Turkish Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (TSGE) arrange their 6th respectively 8th annual congress. Prof. Dr. Marc Possover is looking forward to be part of this meeting.

  • Prof. Marc Possover has been honored with the Harry Reich Award!

    Prof. Possover has been honored with the prestigious Harry Reich Award from the Endometriose Foundation of America - March 2019 - New York. The Harry Reich Award is granted by EndoFound in recognition of healthcare professionals who are making a difference in women's lives through their practice, research, and advocacy efforts.

  • Endometriosis 2019 - International Masters Symposium

    The Endometriosis Foundation of America invites Prof. Dr. Marc Possover to its International Masters Symposium: "Targeting inflammation - From biomarkers to precision surgery". From March 8-9 endometriosis experts meet in New York to talk about the newest scientific findings.

  • 21st Gynecological Endoscopy Course

    Prof. Dr. Marc Possover will be part of the 21st Gynecological Endoscopy Course in Lisbon. He refers about pelvic nerves, pelvic pain and the future of neuropelveology.

  • Nancy´s Nook - Endometriosis Education: Prof. Possover is listed as the only gynaecologist in Switzerland

    Nancy Petersen is one of the most recognized expert for endometriosis. Her Facebook group "Nancy´s Nook" has round about 53.000 members, who share knowledge about endometriosis and disease education. Nancy´s Nook lists international excision surgeons all over the world. Prof. Marc Possover is the only one mentioned in Switzerland.

  • What is the LION procedure?

    A presentation about the Laparoscopic Implantation of Neuroprothesis, Lille (France), in June 2017

  • - Wie ein Gynäkologe Querschnittsgelähmte wieder zum Laufen bringt

    Die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Querschnittsgelähmten, bis hin zur Wiederherstellung der Fähigkeit des Gehens: Ein elektronischer Schrittmacher hilft Betroffenen.

  • -Prof. Possover klärt auf: Schmerzen während der Periode können auf eine Erkrankung hinweisen

    Was ist Endometriose? Woran erkennen Frauen, ob Schmerzen während der Periode einer Erkrankung zugrunde liegen?

  • AAGL 2018 Las Vegas - Genital Nerves Stimulation

    This case provides a live surgical demonstration of a laparoscopic transperitoneal exploration with decompression of the sacral plexus/sciatic nerve and of the pudendal nerve for treatment for intractable pudendal neuraphy with suspected fibrotic/vascular entrapment. This technique enables a unique surgical approach to the major pelvic somatic nerves for the explorationof possible etiologies and the treatment of neuropathic pelvic pain conditions. Because the patient being presented also suffers from an idiopathic overactive bladder, the decision will be made during the procedure whether to implant a stimulation electrode to the dorsal nerve of the clitoris during the same procedure, to facilitate postoperative “Genital Nerve Stimulation”

Possover News
latest updates

New scientific findings and effective treatment methods - comprehensible and helpful for you.

Laparoscopic management of pelvic nerves tumors


Peripheral nerve tumors can occur anywhere in the body. Most of them aren't cancerous ...

Neuropelveological approach to pathologies of the pelvic nerves

Pathologies of the pelvic nerves are conditions involving multiple, organ-specific medical specialties, each with its ...

Neuropelveologic management of intractable Vulvodynia

What is vulvodynia?

Vulvodynia is a chronic pain syndrome affecting respectively the vulva and occurs ...