Sexual Dysfunction in women and men

Stimulation of the genital nerves for sexual satisfaction

If sexual satisfaction is inadequate or disrupted in some way, this can severely impair the psychological well-being of both men and women. Both sexes are affected by problems with sexual arousal. Sexual dysfunction in men usually refers to erection problems - erection does not occur or cannot be maintained during sexual intercourse. Such erectile dysfunctions are quite common and usually increase with age. But there is help. With genital nerve stimulation (GNS), those affected can find their way back to a more satisfying level of sexuality.

The pelvic nerves as the cause of sexual disorders

The pelvic nerves as the cause of sexual disorders

In the USA, up to 30 million men are affected by erectile dysfunction. The risk of such a sexual disorder increases with age. Sexual disorders are among the most sensitive medical issues and are often associated with shame or, in the worst case, a feeling of inferiority. However, those affected should not be afraid to seek professional help.     

If sexual satisfaction is not achieved despite intimate activity, the cause may be a dysfunction of the nerves. Because sexual function in men and women requires the involvement of the pelvic nerves.

GNS (genital nerve stimulation) is a new technique developed by Prof. Possover that addresses this issue. In this treatment method, a microstimulator system a few millimetres in size is placed behind the pubic bone on the genital nerve. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia through a small incision concealed by the pubic hair. A remote control stimulates the genital nerve, which leads to sexual arousal as well as penile erection. No further use of Viagra is necessary. In women, electrical stimulation causes the erection of the clitoris without the aid of a vibrator. Genital nerve stimulation considerably improves sexual satisfaction in both sexes.


Sexual dysfunction in women

Sexual dysfunction in women

Experiencing sexual satisfaction with the help of genital nerve stimulation  

The sexual health of a woman, just like that of a man, is extremely important for her emotional and physical well-being. In general, the prevailing opinion is that sexual activity is controlled by a purely physical desire and that this physical desire for sex leads to sexual arousal and orgasm.

This may be true for men. However, according to scientific research, sexual desire and behaviour are much more complex in women. For many women, especially from the age of 40 and after menopause, physical desire is not the actual driving force behind sexual activity. In addition, the importance attached to sexual satisfaction varies between women and men. Even among women, the point of view is divergent - some women feel satisfied only when they are sexually aroused. Others, on the other hand, only feel sexual satisfaction if they also experience an orgasm.

With thousands of nerve endings, the clitoris is the most sensitive part of the female genital area, and thus the source of intense sexual pleasure. Stimulation of the clitoris often - but not always - leads to orgasm. In the case of severe disorders of female sexual satisfaction, genital nerve stimulation (GNS) can bring about a significant improvement and contribute to a balanced and satisfying sexual life. For this purpose, a microstimulator system a few millimetres in size is placed behind the pubic bone on the genital nerve. The genital nerve can be stimulated by remote control if desired.   

Prof. Marc Possover MD

To help people in difficult situations to improve their quality of life has become his life's passion. Continuous research, decades of clinical experience and the focused determination to find a solution for previously unsolved medical problems, have enabled Prof. Possover to help often quite discouraged patients find release from their seemingly insurmountable problems.

Possover International Medical Center

Our center of excellence for Neuropelveology in Zürich is equipped with state of the art technical equipment, offering world-class treatment at the highest level. Enjoy individual attention in the most private and comfortable of settings.

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Here at our center, you will be treated not only as our valued patient but as our guest. Everyone in Prof. Possover's team is committed to making you feel completely at ease and in very safe hands. Our internationally experienced team members have an intuitive feel for the particular needs of every individual. We will accompany you every step of the way, from the initial contact right through to the conclusion of your treatment - with detailed personal attention, sincerity, courtesy and careful understanding.

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We will dedicate our expertise and know-how to help you find the solution that is right for you.

Audrey Schroller

Practice Assistant

„As a cheerful, open and communicative person, I really appreciate coming into contact with people from all over the world. The well-being of others is very important to me.

Involvement of your own physician in your treatment

If it is your preference, your attending doctor is welcome to accompany you to Zürich. You will then have a person at your side who is familiar with your medical concerns. At the same time, your doctor will have the opportunity to be present during the planned operation and gain unique insights into the applied practice of Neuropelveology.

Photo Neuropelveology Nerve Tracts

Discovering the pelvic nerves

Neuropelveology is a medical discipline developed by Prof. Possover. It is based on the discovery of the pelvic nerves and includes the diagnosis of the diseases of these nerves by means of gynaecological examination methods and their treatment by means of laparoscopy.

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