Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich für Ihre höchst professionelle Behandlung, für die gelungene Operation und die Betreuung danach bedanken.
Ein Jahr nach dem Eingriff kann ich sagen: Die Operation war absolut eine richtige Entscheidung! Sie haben mir ein neues Leben geschenkt: Ein Leben voller Freude und Dankbarkeit. Ich kann dank Ihnen nach vielen Jahren wieder lachen.
Ihnen und alle Ihren Mitarbeitern wünsche ich Gesundheit und viel Kraft, damit Sie noch vielen Patienten helfen können!
I would like to thank you very much for your highly professional treatment, for the successful surgery and the care afterwards.
One year after the operation I can say: The operation was absolutely a right decision! You have given me a new life: a life full of joy and gratitude. Thanks to you, I can laugh again after many years.
I wish you and all your staff good health and lots of strength so that you can help many more patients!
As long as I can remember I have had abdominal pain and vague symptoms that no one could explain. In 2019 this developed into a chronic pelvic pain and very sharp sciatic pain. Doctors put me on different types of hormones and painkillers in suspicion of endometriosis but nothing helped. I then underwent a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis and I was so sure I was finally going to get answers that day. But I woke up and they had found nothing. I was completely devastated. Why could no one figure out what was wrong with me? After seeing a few more doctors I came to Prof. Possover in December 2020 as a last resort.
The consultation was unlike anything I had experienced before. Prof. Possover carefully examined me and took time for all of my questions. I was so amazed by his knowledge and expertise. He was incredibly compassionate and I felt completely at ease with him. After the consultation he suspected a bilateral sacral radiculopathy by vascular entrapment as well as deep infiltrating endometriosis.
We went forward with the surgery in January 2021 and he was able to confirm the vascular entrapment diagnosis and released my sacral plexus and sciatic nerve. Additionally, he repositioned my colon which was in a very uncomfortable position. Lastly, he found retrocervical deep infiltrating endometriosis (something the doctors at home had clearly missed). It was a massive relief to finally be validated in my pain and to have an explanation for every single symptom I have ever had!
Everything, from the consultation, the contact with Audrey and Katrin who arranged everything, the surgery and my stay in the Pyramid Clinic where Prof. Possover came to see me twice a day, to the check-ups afterwards for a year have been a really good experience. Even though the recovery process has been very hard, the amount of care I have received throughout this entire process has been heartwarming.
I am forever grateful to Prof. Possover and his team for helping me when I thought no one could. It has changed my life.
Mi chiamo Brunetti Cristina ho 48 anni e vivo in Italia.
Nel 2016 hanno cominciato a manifestarsi i primi sintomi della malattia con il dolore all’anca sx ogni volta che iniziava la mestruazione. Con il passare del tempo il dolore è diventato più forte e così ho deciso di fare degli accertamenti.
Mi è stata diagnosticata una sindrome del piriforme e ho iniziato una cura con antinfiammatori e un ciclo di tecarterapia, ma il dolore aumentava e niente sembrava funzionare.
Gli anni passavano, il dolore cominciava sempre di più a condizionare le mie giornate e nel luglio 2020 su consiglio del mio medico di famiglia ho fatto un’altra risonanza per escludere la presenza di endometriosi che nessuno fino a quel momento aveva ipotizzato per l’assenza di molti dei sintomi che nella maggior parte dei casi sono associati ad essa ( dolore pelvico, dolore durante i rapporti sessuali, dolore alla defecazione).
Grazie a questa risonanza, dopo ben 4 anni mi è stata diagnosticata la presenza di un’endometriosi extrapelvica e un fibroma uterino del diametro di 11 cm.
Visto che fino a quel momento non mi sono sentita né compresa né sostenuta dalla mia ginecologa,ho deciso di chiedere un altro consulto e dopo aver fatto un po' di ricerche ho fissato un appuntamento con il Dr. Mauro Pelagalli, ginecologo specializzato nella cura dell’endometriosi.
Fin dalla prima visita avevo capito di aver di fronte una persona che conosceva la mia malattia, con molta chiarezza e umanità mi ha spiegato che prima dovevo fare una risonanza più approfondita a Mantova dalla Dr.ssa Katiuscia Menni, radiologa per verificare che l’endometriosi extrapelvica non avesse infiltrato il nervo sciatico, perché in quel caso non mi avrebbe potuto operare.
Purtroppo dalla risonanza è emersa proprio la presenza di un endometriosi del nervo sciatico sx; il Dr. Pelagalli mi ha fatto iniziare la cura farmacologica e allo stesso tempo mi ha consigliato subito di contattare il Prof.Dr. Marc Possover, neuropelveologo primo al mondo specializzato nella cura dell’endometriosi profonda infiltrante del nervo sciatico, per una visita.
È passato del tempo prima che mi decidessi di chiamare il Prof.Dr. Possover per una visita ed un eventuale intervento, speravo che con la cura farmacologica il dolore sarebbe passato, ma così non è stato: il dolore si impadroniva del mio tempo, passavo le mie giornate sempre a letto, per alzarmi avevo bisogno dell’aiuto di mia figlia o di mio marito. Arrivata a questo punto ho capito che l’unica mia salvezza sarebbe stata operarmi.
Presa questa consapevolezza, ho chiamato il Prof.Dr. Possover e tramite la sua segretaria, dopo aver compilato un questionario con tutti i miei sintomi e aver mandato la risonanza, il Prof.Dr. Possover mi ha fissato subito la data della visita e dell’intervento in quanto sosteneva che non c’era assolutamente tempo da perdere.
Sono partita con mia figlia per andare a Zurigo, in Svizzera: il 25/11/2020 il Prof. Dr. Possover mi ha visitata per la prima volta, ha confermato la presenza dell’endometriosi infiltrante del nervo sciatico e mi ha tranquillizzato dicendomi che eravamo giusto in tempo e che mi avrebbe potuto operare. La sua umanità e gentilezza mi hanno molto tranquillizzato; la competenza e la sicurezza con cui si esprimeva mi hanno permesso di fidarmi ciecamente di lui;sono uscita dal suo studio consapevole di aver trovato la mia salvezza. Il 30/11/2020 mi sono sottoposta all’intervento: la porzione di nervo sciatico infiltrata dall’endometriosi (circa 1/3 ) mi è stata resecata; durante l’intervento mi è stato asportato anche il fibroma uterino che aveva raggiunto un diametro di 16 cm. Dopo l’intervento sono stata per 3 giorni alla Piramid Clinic at the Lake dove ogni giorno veniva il Prof.Dr.Possover per visitarmi.
Tornata a casa i primi sei mesi sono stati abbastanza duri, ma la consapevolezza che finalmente mi ero liberata dell’endometriosi, che piano piano avrei ricominciato a camminare senza sentire dolore e che avrei ripreso in mano la mia vita di prima mi hanno dato la forza di andare avanti. Dopo l’intervento tramite la sua gentilissima segretaria,Audrey Schroller, ogni mese mi sentivo con il Prof.Dr.Possover che monitorava il dolore e la quantità di Lyrica che dovevo prendere per tenerlo sottocontrollo.
Ad oggi è passato quasi un anno dall’intervento e posso dire di essere stata veramente fortunata per essere arrivata in tempo alla diagnosi e all’intervento ed aver evitato che l’endometriosi al nervo sciatico mi procurasse danni permanenti impedendomi di camminare.
Grazie di cuore alla mia famiglia, al Dr. Pelagalli, alla Dott.essa Menni e al Prof.Dr. Possover.
My name is Brunetti Cristina I am 48 years old and I live in Italy.
In 2016 the first symptoms of the disease began to appear with pain in the left hip every time the menstruation started. With the passage of time the pain became stronger and so I decided to do some investigations.
I was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome and began treatment with anti-inflammatories and a course of tecar therapy, but the pain was increasing and nothing seemed to work.
The years passed, the pain began to affect my days more and more and in July 2020 on the advice of my family doctor I did another MRI to rule out the presence of endometriosis that no one until then had assumed for the absence of many of the symptoms that in most cases are associated with it (pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, pain on defecation).
Thanks to this MRI, after 4 years I was diagnosed with extrapelvic endometriosis and a uterine fibroid with a diameter of 11 cm.
Since up to that moment I felt neither understood nor supported by my gynecologist, I decided to ask for another consultation and after doing some research I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Mauro Pelagalli, gynecologist specialized in the treatment of endometriosis.
Since the first visit I realized I was dealing with a person who knew my disease, with great clarity and humanity he explained to me that first I had to do a more thorough MRI in Mantua by Dr. Katiuscia Menni, radiologist to verify that the extrapelvic endometriosis had not infiltrated the sciatic nerve, because in that case I could not operate.
Unfortunately, the MRI revealed the presence of an endometriosis of the sciatic nerve on the left side; Dr. Pelagalli made me start the pharmacological treatment and at the same time advised me to contact Prof. Dr. Marc Possover, the first neuropelvic specialist in the world in the treatment of deep endometriosis infiltrating the sciatic nerve, for a visit.
It was some time before I decided to call Prof. Dr. Possover for a consultation and a possible intervention, I hoped that with the drug treatment the pain would go away, but it was not so: the pain took over my time, I spent my days always in bed, to get up I needed the help of my daughter or my husband. At this point I realized that my only salvation would be to have surgery.
With this realization, I called Prof. Dr. Possover and through his secretary, after filling out a questionnaire with all my symptoms and having sent the MRI, Prof. Dr. Possover immediately set the date of the visit and the intervention as he claimed that there was absolutely no time to lose.
I left with my daughter to go to Zurich, Switzerland: on 25/11/2020 Prof. Dr. Possover examined me for the first time, confirmed the presence of infiltrating endometriosis of the sciatic nerve and reassured me by telling me that we were just in time and that he could operate. His humanity and kindness reassured me; the competence and confidence with which he expressed himself allowed me to trust him blindly; I left his office knowing that I had found my salvation. On 30/11/2020 I underwent the operation: the portion of the sciatic nerve infiltrated by endometriosis (about 1/3) was resected; during the operation I also had the uterine fibroid removed, which had reached a diameter of 16 cm. After the surgery I stayed for 3 days at the Pyramid Clinic at the Lake where Prof. Dr. Possover came every day to visit me.
When I returned home the first six months were quite hard, but the knowledge that I was finally free of endometriosis, that I would slowly start walking again without pain and that I would resume my former life gave me the strength to go on. After the surgery, through his very kind secretary, Audrey Schroller, every month I was in touch with Prof. Dr. Possover who monitored the pain and the amount of Lyrica I had to take to keep it under control.
Today, almost a year has passed since the surgery and I can say that I have been truly fortunate to have arrived in time to the diagnosis and the surgery and to have avoided that the endometriosis in the sciatic nerve would cause me permanent damage preventing me from walking.
Many thanks to my family, Dr. Pelagalli, Dr. Menni and Prof. Dr. Possover.
I 4 år gikk jeg med nervesmerter i venstre lår som ingen fant årsaken til. Jeg fikk godkjent behandling i utlandet og fikk konsultasjon hos prof. Possover desember 2019. Jeg ble møtt med både kunnskap og empati, og prof. Possover kunne fortelle meg at det var noe galt. På denne tiden var jeg utslitt både fysisk og psykisk. Det er slitsomt å gå med kroniske nervesmerter, og han ga meg et nytt håp. Jeg følte meg trygg hele tiden.
I August 2020 ble jeg operert og fikk diagnosen «intractable femoral neuropathy left». Jeg var 2 døgn på sykehus, og prof. Possover var innom meg flere ganger. Han sa at operasjonen var vellykket, og at det viste seg å være helt nødvendig for å bli kvitt smertene mine. Sykepleierne på sykehuset var både hyggelige og hjelpsomme, og jeg følte meg godt ivaretatt.
Jeg ble satt på Lyrica i 1 år, og jeg ble fulgt opp hver måned via e-post.
Tiden etter operasjonen var tøff, og jeg har fremdeles noe smerte. Uansett er jeg så mye bedre enn jeg var. Jeg er i full jobb og har fått et nytt liv.
Jeg vil takk både prof. Possover og Audrey for den tette og gode oppfølgingen. Jeg er evig takknemlig for den hjelpen jeg har fått.
For 4 years I had nerve pain in my left thigh for which no one could find the cause. I got approved treatment abroad and had a consultation with prof. Possover December 2019. I was met with both knowledge and empathy, and prof. Possover could tell me that there was something wrong. At this time I was exhausted both physically and psychologically. It is exhausting to walk with chronic nerve pain, and he gave me a new hope. I felt safe all the time.
In August 2020, I had surgery and was diagnosed with intractable femoral neuropathy left. I spent 2 days in hospital, and prof. Possover visited me several times. He said that the operation was successful, and that it turned out to be absolutely necessary to get rid of my pain. The nurses at the hospital were both nice and helpful, and I felt well looked after.
I was put on Lyrica for 1 year, and I was followed up every month by e-mail.
The time after the surgery was tough, and I still have some pain. However, I am so much better than I was. I am in full employment and have a new life.
I want to thank both prof. Possover and Audrey for the kind and good follow-up. I am eternally grateful for the help I have received.
Hello I am writing a testimonial to provide hope for those who have come to Dr. Possover for treatment of refractory perineal pain and to try and give a little back to a man who has given me a large portion of my life. I will provide some background information for those who wish to know more about my condition to see if it might relate to them. The results of my surgery are in the paragraph below beginning with “Results:.”
I am a male patient from Canada and my story begins when I was 21 years old in 2010. I awoke with insidious and severe pain in my perineum, buttocks, and genitals. At the time I was a university student and avid athlete. The pain quickly became constant and extreme. The pain could be described as hot, knife-like, sharp lancinating, electric, but also dull aching and deep and burning. It became worse with any physical activity, more so for those activities that included repetitive hip flexion. Sitting and sex were excruciating and either would make made my condition far worse for several weeks.
I was severely disabled and in excruciating pain for years. By 2015 I had lost my new career as a dentist, I was unable to live on my own and moved in with my parents, all of my physically active hobbies and passions were lost, and my romantic and social relationships suffered tremendously as I was largely unable to travel or socialize.
I researched and sought treatment relentlessly for years. I knew I had what appeared to be bilateral pudendal neuralgia but I was unable to find a physiologic cause for my pain as every test result was negative. Some specialists in Canada made the faulty conclusion that the issue was psychosomatic. I sought non-surgical treatment from an experienced chronic pelvic pain specialist in San Francisco, Dr. Jerome Weiss, who finally made the conclusion that I likely had actual pudendal nerve entrapment, not a neuralgia that could be treated non-surgically. I then began reviewing and speaking with surgeons that performed pudendal nerve decompression surgeries.
Conventional pudendal nerve decompression surgeries are extremely invasive and results vary greatly. I was concerned about the diagnostic abilities and treatment thresholds of many surgeons I spoke with regarding my potential surgery. Eventually I found Dr. Marc Possover’s website. In my estimation he was so far superior to other surgeons that I traveled from Canada to Switzerland for a consultation (purchasing a lie flat pod because standard air travel was impossible for me). He was the specialist who finally gave me a definitive diagnosis – even this was a massive triumph! He diagnosed bilateral venous entrapments of my pudendal nerves in addition to more proximal vascular entrapments at my sacral plexuses – in both cases more severe on my left side.
Results: My surgery took place on November 30th, 2016; it was successful and uneventful from a surgical standpoint. The healing process was long and was quite painful for a number of weeks, though I was incredibly grateful for the minimally invasive laparoscopic technique Dr. Possover used to perform the decompressions. By approximately 8 weeks after the surgery I was in no more pain than I was prior to the surgery and by 16 weeks I felt slight improvement. 2 years after the surgery at my final check in with Dr. Possover I was significantly improved – perhaps 30% reduction in pain and 30% increase in physical capability – but I was unhappy with the limitations still present in my life due to my continued pain and disability. 4 years have now passed since the surgery and the trajectory of my healing has remained constant. I have improved significantly from the 2-year post-operative check in. I have modified my life to avoid sitting, I have switched from the private practice of dentistry to a professorship teaching Operative dentistry, and I have given up the most strenuous activities that I enjoyed before my issues arose. I also attend an excellent physiotherapist once per week. With these lifestyle modifications and continued improvement which I attribute to the decompression surgery performed by Dr. Possover, my quality of life far surpasses what I expected could be possible even 2 years after my surgery. I work full time, enjoy a healthy sex life, am able to remain relatively fit and active, and most days I have only mild and manageable pain. I believe Dr. Possover diagnosed the root problem causing my pain and that his surgery correctly addressed that problem.
A further word on Dr. Marc Possover: Dr. Possover is an incredible man for more than his unfathomable knowledge, skill, and expertise in diagnosing and correcting neuro-uro-endopelvic pathologies. He was personable, polite, caring, and empathetic. He checked in on me regularly after my surgery and became a friend. My mother accompanied me to Switzerland to care for me after my surgery and understandably she was very concerned and emotional throughout. Dr. Possover’s interactions with her were compassionate and heart-warming. I will remember him forever because of this as well as the surgical success that so greatly improved my life.
Thank you Dr. Possover,
So kam ich zu meinem Lebensretter
Eines vorweg: Ich bin meiner Mutter unendlich dankbar, dass sie im Dezember 2019 die Homepage von Prof. Possover und seinem höchst professionellen Team entdeckte.
Jahrelang litt ich unter sehr starken Ischiasschmerzen (vom Sitzbeinhöcker bis zur Ferse), die mich regelmäßig zur Schmerztherapie ins Krankenhaus zwangen. Es schien so, als könnte mir kein Arzt und keine Ärztin in Österreich wirklich helfen.
Im Februar 2020, als ich das erste Mal bei Prof. Possover vorstellig wurde, hatte ich
bereits viele therapeutische Interventionen (Schmerzinfiltrationen von L4/L5, L5/S1 und des Iliosakralgelenks sowie des Steißbeins, Wirbelsäulenoperation ALIF L5/S1, CT-gezielte Botulinumtoxin-Infiltration des Musculus piriformis) hinter mir, die zu keiner Schmerzlinderung geführt hatten. Außerdem hatte ich unzählige Physiotherapiestunden besucht, verschiedene Arten der Akupunktur und der Meditation versucht, am Yoga- sowie Qigong-Unterricht teilgenommen und mich mit meiner psychischen Gesundheit im Rahmen einer Therapie auseinandergesetzt.
Ich hatte meiner Meinung nach also viele Maßnahmen unternommen, um meine Schmerzen zu lindern und um mit meinen 31 Jahren wieder ein wenig an Lebensqualität dazuzugewinnen. Dennoch litt ich jeden Monat wochenlang trotz sehr starker Schmerzmittel an überaus heftigen Schmerzen (Intensität 8-10), musste schlussendlich sogar in Langzeitkrankenstand gehen, da ich meinen Traumberuf als Lehrerin nicht mehr ausüben konnte.
Ich werde den Faschingsdienstag im Februar 2020 nie mehr vergessen. Prof. Possover empfing mich und meinen Mann sehr herzlich, wir führten ein ausführliches Gespräch und Prof. Possover untersuchte mich. Seine erlösenden Worte: „Frau Winter, Sie sind nicht verrückt! Ich kann Ihnen helfen.“
Am 4. Mai 2020 wurde ich von Prof. Possover erfolgreich operiert. Er entfernte meinen großen isolierten Endometrioseherd im Bereich des Foramen ischiadicus. Betroffen waren u.a. der Ischiasnerv (Ischiasschmerzen) sowie der Pudendusnerv (Blasen- und Darmentleerung).
Ich und meine Familie haben jetzt wieder eine Zukunftshoffnung – dank meines Lebensretters Prof. Possover. Ich verdanke ihm so viel. So entstand auch dieser Text nach einem ausgiebigen Spaziergang um den Salzburger Hintersee. Ich kann wieder wandern, arbeiten und so vieles mehr! Der Alltag fühlt sich unglaublich leicht an. Danke, Prof. Possover!
Opérée le 15 Juillet 2019, c’est le 15 Juillet 2020 que je souhaitais vous partager mon expérience. Je fête aujourd’hui l’anniversaire du début du reste de ma vie. C’est une phrase très clichée mais représentative de ce que le Professeur Possover a fait pour moi : il m’a sauvé la vie. Il m’a rendu mon corps, la possibilité de vivre à nouveau.
A l’heure précise où j’écris cet avis, je suis très émue parce qu’un an auparavant j’étais sur la table opératoire. Émue parce que cette opération a mis fin à un calvaire et à des douleurs incroyables de plus de quatre années.
Venant de Toulouse spécialement pour le rencontrer, je me suis retrouvée en face d’un homme brillant, humble, à l’écoute et surtout d’une précision incroyable quant à ses explications.
En France, il n’est pas commun, voire très mal vu de dépenser autant pour une consultation et encore plus pour une opération. Mais il faut avoir conscience que des médecins aussi humains et compétents sont vraiment très rares.
Il est important de comprendre qu’en France la prise en charge est remboursée mais tout aussi chère. C’est juste que ce n’est pas à nous de payer directement la facture.
Je précise tout cela pour celles qui seraient encore hésitantes sur ce point.
Surtout que sa connaissance et ses compétences sur la prise en charge des douleurs neuropathiques et les opérations de ce type d’endométriose n’existe pas en France. Ce sont des opérations risquées. Je me suis sentie du début à la fin comprise, entendue et surtout en face d’une personne compétente et brillante.
J’ai également aimé son absence de paternalisme, le fait qu’il ne se considère pas au-dessus de nous et prends vraiment le temps de tout expliquer, faisant de nous des patientes éclairées et de ce fait capable de prendre nos propres décisions. Et qu’est-ce que ça fait du bien !
Se sentir en sécurité dans le cabinet d’un médecin qui prend le temps de nous couvrir d’une serviette pour nous examiner, de nous demander notre consentement à chaque étape et bien ça répare le corps et le cœur aussi !
J’ai découvert le Professeur Possover grâce à ses articles sur l’endométriose du nerf sciatique. Enfin un médecin qui décrivait précisément absolument tous mes symptômes.
Mon stade et mes symptômes étaient tellement avancés, que je n’ai pas hésité.
Il a fallu 1 an pour récolter les fonds pour l’opération, via deux crownfunding.
Mes proches, mes amis et même des inconnus ont cru en moi, m’ont donné la possibilité et une seconde chance pour ma santé.
J’ai également eu la chance de trouver de l’écoute et beaucoup de bienveillance auprès d’Audrey, qui a considéré mon autisme et les appréhensions que j’avais d’une prise en charge à l’étranger. Le syndrome d’asperger est peu connu et peu compris et suppose des dispositions à prendre (contact difficile, besoin de contrôle, besoin d’explications précises, difficultés sensorielles, etc..). Des dispositions ont été prises auprès de la clinique par l’intermédiaire d’Audrey. Et je suis partie, grâce à l’équipe de Centre Médical Possover, plus confiante que jamais direction Zurich il y a un an.
L’opération a été un franc succès ! Je peux refaire du sport et je passe de plus de 10 de douleurs à 1 et 3 à 4 en cas de règles. J’ai retrouvé une mobilité (n’oublions pas la rééducation derrière et le sport adapté puisque après 4 ans sans marcher correctement l’atrophie musculaire peut vous donner des douleurs qui ne sont pas liée à l’endométriose).
Je peux courir et surtout marcher vraiment très longtemps. Je tiens sans difficulté sur mes deux jambes ! Cela demande bien sûr une très bonne alimentation, hygiène de vie et suivis de rééducation post op, rester en mouvement surtout !
Je me souviendrais toujours de la joie partagée avec Audrey quant au mois de septembre j’ai pu lui dire enfin je n’ai plus de douleurs, plus de béquilles, plus de soucis neuropathiques, une vraie folie ! Personne ne s’attendait à ce que le résultat soit aussi marquant (à part peut-être le professeur !) ! Je n’attendais sincèrement pas à récupérer autant.
J’ai fait la paix avec mon corps, je suis désormais entrain de refaire à nouveau des projets.
Je n’oublierais jamais ce que vous avez fait pour moi, les mots me manqueront toujours tellement je suis reconnaissante à vous et votre équipe de cette prise en charge avant tout humaine.
Merci à vous cher Professeur Possover et votre équipe du fond du cœur.
I had surgery with Prof Possover in February 2019 and I will be forever grateful for the change it has made to my life and that of my family, it feels like we have won the lottery. I had six previous laparoscopies with different surgeons in Ireland and the UK intended to help with my chronic pelvic pain which had been attributed to my mild/moderate endometriosis, but which never gave me any relief and doctors were puzzled as to why I was in so much pain.
My recovery from the surgery took about 10 months in total and went exactly as Prof Possover predicted. I now have no need for painkillers and can make plans with confidence!
My name is Mrs. Liat Nadel, 51 years old, married and live in Israel. I was only 12 when my Endometriosis knocked on my door/life, but was actually diagnosed only 11 years later by mistake, "thanks" to an emergency surgery. Since then I have had my ups and downs and learned how to live with my disease. 3 years ago, after my 5th surgery, i still had my usual stomach Endometriosis pain, but what bothered me more, is that I have felt an additional strange pain down my lower left back and leg- Electrical pain. After a few months of terrible strange pain, i could not move my left leg, could not go up the stairs, could not sit properly. After a long research , i understood that my new type of pain was actually a neuropathic pain and I have lived with it 24/7 - I felt like sitting on an electrical chair.
Unfortunately, the local doctors in Israel could not help me, and after a long journey in the network I have read about Prof. Possover in Zurich. I have asked my Israeli Endometriosis surgeon Dr.Kaufman about him and asked him to join me to this journey, if an operation in Zurich will be necessary. In April 2017 i have had my consultation with Prof. Possover and just after 10 minutes with my husband and me, Prof. Possover shared his thoughts-"L5 Entrapment", he said, "this could be the problem". After my return to Israel and after doing several tests, Prof. Possover agreed to operate me. I took care of all the financial issues with my insurance, and on 26.7.18 with my husband and Dr.Y.Kaufman I underwent my 6th operation, this time not in Israel, in a foreign country, with Prof. Possover. I was hospitalized in the Klinik Pyramide Zurich, in my opinion, one of the best hospitals worldwide. Prof.Possover met me before and after the surgery, hosted my doctor in the operating theater and came to visit me every single day after the procedure. My experience with him, which was totaly different than my experience with other doctors, is a very special one, his ability to make a real dialogue with me as a patient concerning my surgery, was indeed unique and encouraged me. Today, 1 year after the surgery, I feel much better, I still have a long way to go with regard to my rehab , but I can surely see the end of my horror movie. The decision to make this journey to Prof. Possover was a Life Saving decision for me and my family.
Thank you Prof. Possover & Team - at the Possover Int. Medical Center & thanks a lot to the super professional staff at the Klinik Pyramide Zurich Switzerland .
Professor Marc Possover is one of the most incredible, rare professional, intellectual doctors whom i ever met. I was lucky to be present at a difficult surgical oncological operation of one of my patients. At the operation theatre he is calm and very attentive to his assistants which creates a warm professional atmosphere. The movement of his hands are so smooth and precise that there is no complication during an operation. With his kind attention to the patient he always finds a correct solution for a treatment and gets the best results. Prof. Possover never leaves the patient after an operation without observing him several times per day. To be myself a doctor with 50 years of practice I am grateful having been introduced to Prof.Possover. I am proud for his skill in saving lifes of patients.
From the moment I walked into the consultation room and the Professor's initial response to my complaint I felt overwhelmingly at ease. For a healthcare professional to finally know exactly what your problem was but more importantly telling me he could fix the problem was like winning the lottery and he certainly delivered on his promise.
Coming from a medical background, you knew his knowledge was exceptional. He ensured every question was answered. For the first time someone understood what I was feeling, my symptoms, side effects and the impact on my quality of life. He showed sincere compassion. I feel privileged to have someone of such caliber operate on myself but also know he will be there within the follow up stages should I need him.
From making the appointment from abroad via the online booking system to the initial consultation and the stay in the clinic everything was taken care of by the Professor's staff and the clinic staff on my behalf. I got all relevant details of nearby accommodation and about the surgery; my only job was to book a flight and turn up on the day of the operation which made the whole experience hassle and stress free.
When you are going abroad for major and intricate surgery you want to feel nothing but confident and at ease from start to finish. I can say this was the case achieved by the Professor and his team. The care in the clinic I received was outstanding. The staff was always attentive, caring, met every possible need and spoke excellent English.
I can warmly recommend Professor Possover and the facilities. I have been overwhelmed with his expertise and knowledge but also the confidence I felt in him from day one to correct my complication from endometriosis. I will be forever grateful for the care and treatment I received and nobody could ever put you more at ease than the Professor. I cannot thank him and his team any more.
I was introduced to Dr. Possover by my doctor in Atlanta, Dr. John Miklos. I have had 14 surgeries to remove and repair damaged caused by transvaginal mesh and bladder sling resulting in continuous excruciating pelvic, abdominal and leg pain.
Dr. Miklos had met Dr. Possover and felt that if anyone could identify the primary root cause of my pelvic floor pain it would be Dr. Possover. Dr. Possover identified my issue as pudendal nerve entrapment. He initially gave me injections that gave me some short term relief before surgery was recommended. Dr. Possover told me that due to the damage and scarring caused from mash and previous surgeries I may never be completely free of pain but he felt he could help me with some relief. Following my surgery I have appointments with Dr. Possover via Skype. I am able to ask any questions or share any concerns without feeling rushed.
I have also been diagnosed by my neurologist with irreparable obturator and femoral nerve damage. I have complete trust and faith in Dr. Possover. Dr Possover’s patience and compassionate manner give me a sense of comfort during what has been a very difficult time for me.
Klausstrasse 4
CH - 8008 Zürich
E-Mail: mail@possover.com
Tel.: +41 44 520 36 00